
DSH is independent and only committed to its members. We are financed exclusively by donations, membership fees and funding from health insurance companies. We refrain from funding by pharmaceutical companies or other institutions where this could cause a conflict of interest.

Funding through health insurance funds

Joint funding

The DSH was funded by the "GKV-Gemeinschaftsförderung Selbsthilfe auf Bundesebene" with the following amounts. This funding is an important part of being able to carry out our work.

2020: 8,000 €
2019: 6,638 €
2018: 8,945 €
2017: 12,720 €
2016: 7,000 €
2014: 3,000 €

Project funding

In addition to basic funding, DSH also receives funding from health insurance funds for individual projects.


In 2020, the DSH again produced a new sepsis information booklet. The brochure contains numerous new main topics (e.g. treatment in hospital, intensive care diary, help after discharge, late effects, severe disabilities and care law, ...) and is thus significantly more comprehensive than the last edition of 2016. Experiences from the DSH's counselling activities have increasingly been incorporated into the content (What questions, worries, problems do affected persons have? What help do they need?) Various experts were involved in the creation of the content, e.g. psychologists, intensive care physicians, nursing staff of intensive care units, neurologists. The information booklet contains information not only for those affected but also for relatives and interested parties. The production of the booklet was funded by the DAK Gesundheit (11,000 €).


Materials for regional group West: With the support of IKK Südwest, we were able to equip our regional group West with materials for public relations work.

2nd meeting of the regional group Mitte: With the help of funding from AOK plus, we were able to hold our 2nd meeting of the regional group Mitte.

Materials for regional group Franconia: With the support of DAK Gesundheit, we were able to equip our regional group Franconia with a roll-up, a textile folding counter and flyer stands.

Materials for regional group West: With the support of DAK Gesundheit, we were able to equip our regional group West with a roll-up.


Typo3 update of the website Thanks to financial support from Techniker Krankenkasse, Deutsche Sepsis-Hilfe e.V. was able to tackle a necessary project in 2017 - the TYPO3 update of our website. This update was urgently needed, above all to close security gaps, eliminate programme errors and use current technology.

2 new roll-ups for DSH: In 2017, funding from Barmer GEK financed the creation and printing of 2 new roll-ups.


Saxony-Thuringia regional group meeting and World Sepsis Day 2016: For interested teachers together with their students, a workshop took place that day at the Ernst-Abbe-Platz campus Jena, whose programme combined information on sepsis and discussions with those affected. Some members from the area had agreed to answer the participants' questions about their disease, its course and consequential damages. The event was financed in 2016 by funding from the AOK plus (600 €).

Neues Sepsis-Infoheft: In 2016/17, the DSH produced a new sepsis information booklet. This information booklet for those affected and their relatives contains interesting facts about the frequency, signs, diagnosis, cause, treatment, therapy, course and rehabilitation options of sepsis. It also contains reports from people affected by sepsis. A sample copy was sent to more than 2300 contacts in intensive care units for viewing. If required, they can now order the brochure free of charge from the DSH for distribution to their patients and their relatives. The printing and mailing was financed in 2016 by funding from DAK-Gesundheit (€ 8,000).


Member and club meeting 2015: Our annual meeting took place in Suhl in 2015. The 2-day event was financed, among other things, by funding from Barmer-GEK (€ 1,000).

Saxony-Thuringia regional group meeting 2015: The regional group meeting in Jena on the occasion of World Sepsis Day 2015 was funded by AOK plus (€ 283.10).